We are a proud member of the Wilmington and Brandywine Hundred Communities, with focal areas of charitable giving.
We are proud to support the Friends of Wilmington Parks, the Friends of Bellevue State Park, Hagley Museum and Library, Nemours Estate, The Rockwood Park Preservation Society, the Delaware Center for Horticulture, The Delaware Children’s Museum, The Delaware Museum of Nature and Science, Delaware Greenways, and other parks and museums in Delaware. Find our beer on tap at State Park Park events throughout the year.
We are proud to support the Brandywine School District and other local schools through a variety of events and donations. In addition to supporting events and organizations for children here in Northern Delaware. We are also proud to support organizations that support the special needs community, such as the Philadelphia Walk for Williams Syndrome, Best Buddies Delaware , and Special Olympics Delaware. We are proud to carry Dog Works: Peanut Butter Spent Grain Dog Treats made locally by our friends at Waggies by Maggie & Friends!
We are proud supporters of the Krauch Memorial Campaign and the Restore the King efforts, led by Delaware’s Beer Historian, John Medkeff.
We are proud to have worked with such wonderful organizations such as the Delaware Symphony Orchestra, The City Theater Company, The New Light Theater, Delaware Shakespeare, The Jester Artspace, The Delaware Art Museum, The Delaware Contemporary, The Peoples Festival and The Clifford Brown Jazz Festival.
Wilmington Blue Rocks– Sponsor of Crafty Lefty Corner and Producer of Woo-Hoo Brew!
Delaware Blue Coats – Sponsor of the Wilmington Brew Works Beer Garden Suite, The Courtside Brew House and producer of Varsity Brew & Sortie (The Wilmington Blue Bombers Tribute Beer)
Diamond State Roller Derby – Sponsor and producer of 7th Penalty
We receive multiple requests for donations, and review each request in detail. We allocate a lot of time and resources to our established charitable partners, and are not able to respond to every request.